Jeri Dickson

October is Principal Appreciation Month, and Vernon ISD is spotlighting all six of the principals in our district.

Jeri Dickson's career in education started 38 years ago at a private school, but she has spent the last 30 years with Vernon ISD, and the last 6 as the principal of the AFP campus at the North Texas State Hospital.

She didn't really plan on teaching, but once she began tutoring and then teaching at the private school, she was hooked. Dickson enjoys helping students who struggle or want to quit, find the motivation and skills to keep going.

Her favorite thing as a principal is the ability to interact with students, teachers, and parents, and positively influence their day. Dickson challenges the students to reach higher than they think they can, and she said it is such a great feeling to talk to parents and hear the pride they have for their child taking steps to become successful in school and in life.

Her favorite quote is: "Children are not things to be molded but are people needing to be unfolded." -- Jess Lair